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Exercise- Prostates and Hearts
Great news this week that not only does regular exercise reduce the risk of all cancers but just three hours of walking a week can delay or prevent the progression of prostate cancer. The study is based on 1455 men over two years in the journal of cancer research. The walking however must be brisk and highlights again the need for some intensity (stress) to get health and fitness benefits. The researchers suggest that the walking may well reduce insulin levels which is known as a growth hormone- one reason that exercise reduces cancer risk.
Also, this week reserachers from Southwestern Medical Centre have found that how fast you can run a mile is a good predictor of your risk of developing heart disease- a leading casuse of preventable death. Based on 11000 middle aged men and taking in to account other risk factors it was found that men who took 15mins or more to run a mile had a 30% lifetime risk of dying from heart problems. However, those who could run the mile in 8mins or quicker had less than a 10% risk. Well- better fitness, stronger heart.
Kevin, 5th June 2011
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