UK the Fattest and Salt

Posted: September 6, 2011 By: admin

It’s true Britain’s middle-aged are the unhealthiest in the world. In fact they are fatter, more depressed and more likely to smoke. Even the Americans are in better shape. Based on a study of 13000 people in 12 countries the Brits aged 45-54 were the fattest, the biggest smokers and more likely to be depressed. In the UK more than a third of the 45-54 age group are obese which is twice the international average.  Being overweight is linked to depression as the delicate hormone and neurotransmitter balance in the brain malfunctions. Regular exercise and good food is vital to building these neurotransmitters and improving mood.

Also recently published is that too much salt in the diet can increase dementia risk especially in the elderly who do little exercise. The Canadian study based on 1262 people aged 67-84 over three years found a diet high in salt combined with little exercise was especially detrimental to the cognitive performance of the older adults. A diet high in salt was considered to be around 7.7g a day or around a teaspoon. Although this is equilivent to 15 bags of crisps or 3.5 big macs some people in the study were consuming three times this amount. In the UK the FSA recommends no more that 6g of salt a day though the average here is around 8.6g. High salt intake is also linked to a greater risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Be careful of all that processed food and keep moving.

Kevin, 6 September 2011.

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