Are you getting plenty.

Posted: January 19, 2011 By: admin

And of course not just your greens but fruit and vegetables are massively important for our health as they supply vitamins, minerals and fibre. The former are vital for enzyme functions that among other things control metabolic functions. The latter fibre is required for proper digestive or ‘second brain’ optimisation. Most people will know that the current recommendation is to consume five portions of fruit and veg a day which amoung other things will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases but, there has been debate in recent years whether this amount is sufficient. The current UK average consumption is only three portions though the rest of Europe does better. Recently released research from the ongoing European study in health of over 300,00o people suggests that eating eight portions a day confers more benefits and reduces the incidence of heart disease by an impressive 22%. A portion is a little under 3oz or the size of a small piece of fruit. As fruit and veg fills you up and is very healthy here is something that we can all eat moreĀ of and improve our health.

Kevin 19/01/11

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