Sun reduces cancer risk

Posted: June 29, 2011 By: admin

More research out this week suggests that getting regular sun exposure can reduce some cancer risks. This is the latest in a series of studies showing that the sun can have a powerful anti-cancer effect by stimulating more vitamin D production in our body which is vital for our health. Published in the American Journal of Epidemiology the study showed that women who had at least 21 hours a week exposure to the sun in their teens were 29% less likely to get breast cancer compared with those only getting an hour a day. For women spending more time outside in their 40s and 50s the risk fell to 26% and for those above 60 years of age the risk was reduced by a half! For men getting enough vitamin D has been shown to reduce heart attacks and strokes- This research was based on 119,000 men over 20 years by the Harvard School of Public Health.

As the evidence grows for adequate sun exposure and vitamin D it should be pointed out to be careful not too burn the skin but UV levels are still high even in shaded areas. Watch high factor sun creams which can use toxic chemicals but also block the action of the sun. Finally, vitamin D is richly found in oily foods so again get
plenty of fresh good quality oils- something not found in low fat diets. Enjoy the outside.

Kevin, 29 June 2011

1 Comment on this Article

  1. admin, July 3, 2011

    Finally, proof that the sun isn’t all bad! Also, that the content of a lot of these high-factor sun-screens is really not good at all. I have always been very wary about plastering the kids in the bright blue (radio-active looking) sun-screen that we are have all been led to believe is the right thing to do. All the popular brands of lotions have lists longer than your arm of chemicals that I cannot pronounce – surely this cannot be right. There are a lot of sun-screens around that are less full of nasty things – you just have to search hard. However, as my Grandpa used to say – ‘everything in moderation’, I guess that means keeping out of the midday sun and covering up before your skin starts to suffer!

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