Sunshine is good for us

Posted: August 31, 2010 By: admin

As it was such a lovely day today (31st August) it is worth us all being reminded how important for our health getting some Sun is at this time of year. Sunshine reacts with cholesterol in your skin to form vitamin D- a vitamin which is increasingly becoming seen as vital for a variety of reasons. Indeed, more of a hormone then a vitamin it is linked to reducing a whole range of diseases from multiple sclerosis, diabetes, arthritis, dementia and some cancers. This is because vitamin D is known to be important for over 200 different genes in the body. We know in England that half the population is deficient in this vitamin for a variety of reasons which include using Sunscreens of too high a factor and a diet lacking in oily fish and eggs, which are great foods. Although, it is wise not to get burnt we do require Sun, that also lifts our mood. Ensure that you diet contains good fats which carry vitamin D or use a supplement.  My view eat a good diet rich in important fats and get outside when you can!

Kevin- 31st August

As a further up date to this story I have checked some more in to the role of vitamin D and have found that this vitamin is involved in over 3000 different gene expressions. Adequate vitamin D may in fact be able to reduce the risk of some cancers and diabetes by 50%!  Again, eat your good fats and eggs and get sufficient Sun. Along with increasing evidence that B vitamins can reduce the risk of heart disease perhaps the medical profession  should look again at vitamin and mineral supplementation. Unfortunately, with the amounts of processed food around many people are  under-nourished and lack many essential nutrients required for good health.

Kevin 6th September

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