Flax and Chocolate

Posted: October 9, 2011 By: admin

Good news from the German Cancer Research Centre that chemicals in flax seeds may kill off cancer cells and may even prevent secondary tumours. This study on a 1000 women found that those who consumed the highest levels of flax had up to 40% less risk of dying from breast cancer. The phytoestrogens found in flax produce enterolactone which is thought to be protective against breast cancer. This is positive news for organic oils such as flax and hemp but also ensuring we eat plenty of vegetables that produce these compounds. This may also explain why Asian women have less breast cancer as soy is rich in phytoestrogens.

More research on the benefits of dark chocolate which now seems to improve aerobic fitness. When small doses were eaten in combination with regular exercise performance was boosted by 50%.  It seems that the chocolate increases the number of mitochondria in the cells which is where energy is produced and will improve aerobic fitness. Don’t eat too much though and this result was shown in mice.

Kevin, 9 October 2011.

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