It is Quality that counts.

Posted: June 26, 2011 By: admin

You haveĀ  often heard me say with food how important it is that you eat the best quality food you can and reduce processed foods as much as possible. This is borne out this week by the Harvard School of Public Health that has found when it comes to losing weight it is what you eat rather than how much you consume which has the biggest impact. This is especially the case with carbohydrates and highlights the problems with always considering calories, which does not imply the foods are healthy. The study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that for weight loss you should reduce sweetened drinks, potatoes, refined grains such as white bread and rice but, also low fibre cereals. You will know from me that many cereals are actually highly processed junk foods often covered in sugar. The low protein and low fat levels also disrupt your blood sugar levels. The study found such foods should be replaced by more natural foods, fruit and vegetables, wholegrains and nuts. Indeed, there was a positive link with reducing weight when foods such as nuts, vegetables, wholegrains and fruits were included in the diet. Get at least your five portions a day, cut out processed foods and balance your blood sugar levels. If you need further advice let me know.

Kevin 26 June 2011.

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