Organic food and tomatoes

Posted: May 28, 2011 By: admin

Fruit and vegetables grown without artificial fertilisers have significantly more key nutrients according to the University of Newcastle. This could extend average lifespan from a few weeks to possibly up to five years say the researchers. This is because organic food doesn’t just contain more nutrients such as vitamin C but, many other important chemicals such as resveratrol- this has been linked to extending longevity and burning fat and is also found in red wine. This contribution to weight control may well extend your life. This is an important study as many people have suspected that organic food contains more nutrients but goes against the view of the Food Standards Agency in the UK.  This is probably because only limited numbers of nutrients get tested where as natural foods contain many thousands of important chemicals.

Further news this week that tomatoes are effective in reducing bad LDL cholesterol often linked with an increased risk of heart disease. This is due to the high levels of lycopene which has also been linked to reducing the incidence of prostate cancers. Around 25-50 milligrams/day are required which is around 2 ounces of tomato paste or a pint of the juice per day. This is enough to reduce LDL cholesterol by around 10% similar to a low dose statin drug. Lycopene is more readily available when cooked so tomato sauces are a good way to get this nutrient. Beware though tomato ketchup products which are much more processed and loaded with sugar. Eat your fruit and veg!

Kevin 25 May 2011

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